The name "Ruby" is derived from the Latin word "rubeus", meaning red. This vibrant gemstone has been treasured throughout history for its captivating crimson hue
In Sanskrit, Ruby is known as "Manikya" or "Ratnaraj", both of which signify its regal and royal nature.

The Radiant Jewel of the Sun
"मणिक्यं रत्नराजञ्च सूर्यस्यापि मंडले।"
"Manikya, the king of gemstones, shines in the abode of the Sun"
This verse, found in the Ratnashashtra, extols Ruby's brilliance and its association with the Sun
Ruby, the gem of love and passion, is associated with Lord Sun (Surya Dev). It resonates with the Sun as its ruling planet, symbolizing power, vitality, and authority
Color: Deep red to pinkish-red.
Hardness: 9 on the Mohs scale, second only to diamonds.
Lustre: Vitreous.
Transparency: Transparent to opaque.
Refractive Index: 1.762 - 1.778.
Ruby belongs to the Corundum family, with its chemical composition being aluminum oxide (Al2O3), along with traces of chromium that give it its red color.
Common treatments on Rubies include heat treatment to improve color and clarity. This is an accepted practice in the gemstone industry and doesn't diminish the gem's value if disclosed.
The finest Rubies originate from Myanmar (Burma), followed by Sri Lanka, and other regions. Burmese Rubies are renowned for their exceptional quality and vibrant color
Ruby, with its fiery allure and astrological significance, has been cherished for centuries. When worn with belief and respect, it can bring prosperity and passion into your life, making it a true jewel of the Sun

Rubies appease Lord Surya. Those who have a weak Sun in their horoscopes and those suffering from the evil effects of Sun due to unfavourable Surya dasa and bhukthi will benefit greatly. Rubies are also a symbol of health, wisdom, wealth, and success in love
A ruby is a pinkish red to blood-red coloured gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum. Ruby is one of the most popular traditional jewellery gems and is very durable. Other varieties of gem-quality corundum are called sapphires. Ruby is one of the traditional cardinal gems, alongside amethyst, sapphire, emerald, and diamond. The word ruby comes from ruber, Latin for red. The colour of a ruby is due to the element chromium
"माणिक्यस्य उत्पत्तिस्थानानि चत्वारि । सिन्धुः, रोहणः, गङ्गा, सिंहलश्चेति ।
सिंहलं, कालपुरम्, आन्ध्रं, तुम्बरं चेति चत्वारि क्षेत्राणि अन्यैः प्रदर्शितानि ।"
Ruby: The Gemstone of Passion and Power
Natural Ruby Stones, known as Manik in Hindi, are the gemstones associated with the Sun, the ruler of the zodiac sign Leo and the esteemed King of the Zodiac. In the solar system, the Sun holds the paramount position, symbolizing the ultimate masculine or fatherly principle. It is the bestower of vitality, imbuing us with the power of resistance and immunity, and profoundly influencing our physical constitution. The Sun serves as the source of life force, endowing individuals with attributes such as willpower, intellect, brilliance, prosperity, success in worldly endeavors, wealth, good conduct, activity, cheerfulness, good fortune, wisdom, ambition, fame, understanding of the phenomenal world, and knowledge of medicine. Additionally, it governs our connection with temples and sacred places.
Characterized by masculine energy, forthrightness, independence, discipline, illumination, and purification, the Sun stands as the cornerstone of all earthly intellect. It plays the role of the protector and preserver of life, reigning over the realm of intellect. Depicted riding a chariot drawn by seven horses, symbolizing the seven invisible rays of light and the spectrum of seven colors, the Sun holds a lotus of purity in three hands while granting fearlessness with the fourth. The profound symbolism associated with the Sun highlights its vital role in shaping and influencing various aspects of our existence.
The ruby is not just a beautiful gemstone; it is deeply rooted in Indian mythology, culture, and astrological beliefs. Whether worn for its aesthetic appeal or its perceived mystical properties, the ruby continues to captivate and inspire individuals seeking to harness its vibrant energy and positive influences
Origin Stories in Indian Sanskrit Texts
The ruby, known as "Manikya" in Sanskrit, holds a special place in Indian culture, and its origins are intertwined with ancient myths and scriptures. According to Hindu mythology, the Sanskrit word for ruby, "ratnaraj," translates to "king of gemstones." It is believed that Lord Krishna gave the gift of the ruby to Arjuna, the great warrior in the epic Mahabharata, as a symbol of protection and power. The ancient Sanskrit text, the "Garuda Purana," describes the ruby as a gem with divine powers that can protect the wearer from evil forces and bring prosperity.
Meaning of the Name
The name "ruby" is derived from the Latin word "ruber," meaning red. In Sanskrit, "Manikya" is often associated with the sun and its life-giving properties. The radiant red colour of the ruby symbolizes passion, love, and vitality
Why Wear a Ruby
Rubies are believed to possess mystical and protective qualities. In Indian astrology and Vedic traditions, wearing a ruby is thought to enhance the influence of the Sun, which represents the self and vitality. The gem is associated with the fire element, symbolizing passion, courage, and strength. Wearing a ruby is believed to bring success, prosperity, and good fortune to the wearer
How to Wear a Ruby
Wearing a ruby is considered auspicious when it is set in gold, as gold is associated with the Sun. The gemstone should ideally be worn on the ring finger of the right hand. It is recommended to wear the ruby on a Sunday during the ascending moon cycle (Shukla Paksha) for maximum benefits
How to Buy a Ruby
When buying a ruby, it is essential to consider factors such as colour, clarity, cut, and carat weight. The most desirable colour for a ruby is a vibrant, deep red known as "pigeon blood red." Clarity is also crucial, and a high-quality ruby should be free from visible inclusions. The cut of the gemstone should enhance its brilliance and colour. It is advisable to purchase rubies from reputable dealers or jewellers who provide certification of the gem's authenticity
When to Wear a Ruby
Rubies are often worn during significant life events or when seeking positive changes. They are particularly recommended for individuals born under the zodiac sign of Leo, as the Sun is the ruling planet of Leo. Wearing a ruby during the Sun's transit in one's birth chart (Surya Mahadasha) is believed to amplify its beneficial effects
Different Names of Ruby Gemstone
In Sanskrit the Ruby is known by various names such as Manikya, manik, Padmaraag, Lohit, Shohnratna, Raviratna, Shohnopol, Kookbinda, Sougandhik, Basuratna. In Hindi, the Ruby is alsocalled as: Chunni, Rugal, Manik, Suryakaanta mani. In Urdu and Persian, it Ruby is known as Yakuth and Soorkhh. It is light red like the color of a rose
Mantra - Sacred Chants for Energizing Ruby
There are two main mantras to energize ruby:
RIG VEDA – Praise of Sun or Surya
“ॐ आ कृष्णेन् राजासा वर्तामानो निवेश्यन्नामृतम् मात्रयम् च।
हिरण्ययेणा सविता रथेना देवो यति भुवननी पश्यन्न“
“Om aa krishnen rajasa vartamaano niveshyannamritam matrayam cha.
Hiranyayena savita rathena devo yati bhuvnaani pashyann”
“ॐ ह्रांग ह्रेंग ह्रोंग सह सूर्याय नमः“
“Om Hraang Hreeng Hroung Sah Suryay Namah”