The name "Hessonite" is derived from the Greek word "hesson", meaning inferior or lesser. However, its name doesn't diminish its mystical beauty
In Sanskrit, Hessonite is known as "Gomed" or "Gomedhaka", signifying its earthy and enigmatic character.
"गोमेदो मणिरथ नागकुलजमयम्।"
"Hessonite, the gem born from the serpent's family."
This verse, found in ancient texts, hints at Hessonite's mystical origins and its association with serpentine energies
The Mystic Fire of Rahu
Hessonite, the gem of mystery and spirituality, is associated with the shadow planet Rahu (also known as the North Node of the Moon). It symbolizes protection, spiritual growth, and the unseen forces of destiny
Color: Honey to reddish-brown
Hardness: 6.5 - 7.5 on the Mohs scale.
Lustre: Vitreous to resinous
Transparency: Transparent to translucent.
Refractive Index: 1.735 - 1.760.
Hessonite is a variety of Grossular Garnet, with its chemical composition being calcium aluminum silicate (Ca3Al2(SiO4)3) with manganese impurities that give it its distinctive color
Hessonite is typically not treated because its natural color and clarity are highly valued. However, it may be cleaned gently with a soft cloth and mild soapy water
The finest Hessonites come from Sri Lanka, followed by India, Tanzania, and other regions. Sri Lankan Hessonites are renowned for their intense color and clarity
Hessonite, the mystic fire of Rahu, is believed to protect and guide its wearer on a spiritual journey. When worn with reverence and belief, it can bring clarity, protection, and spiritual insight into your life, making it a gemstone of profound significance
Hessonites appease Lord Rahu. Those who have a weak Rahu in their horoscopes and those suffering from the evil effects of Rahu due to unfavourable Rahu dasa and bhukthi will benefit greatly. This stone fulfils ambitions, improves social relationships, and protects the wearer from sudden misfortunes
"राहुरत्नं: आत्मिका वृद्धि, आध्यात्मिक समर्थनं। सूर्यांशुसमकोपेतं, आत्मा को बढ़ाए उन्नति।"
Hessonite: The Gem of Rahu and Spiritual Growth
As per the Jatakatatva text, Hessonite is considered the Jyotish gemstone associated with Rahu, also known as Caput Dreconis or Dragon's Head. Rahu's influence is characterized by traits such as mutiny, negativity, recklessness, and secrecy. Symbolically depicted as a disembodied head riding a chariot and uttering obscenities, Rahu's chariot is drawn by a tiger, representing the mind wandering in the forest of desires. Rahu is regarded as neutral, active, and disruptive, unsettling the psychological makeup of individuals and introducing confusion into their minds.
The dasha of Rahu spans a period of 18 years, during which individuals undergo testing, and their outcomes are shaped by their karma—resulting in either rewards or punishments. To mitigate the malefic effects of Rahu, the Hessonite gem is recommended. This gem should undergo consecration and be energized with Rahu mantras. Shodashopachar Puja, involving 16-step rituals, must be performed as a gesture of respect and maryada to the planetary deity before the native wears the gem. If worn as a ring, it is recommended to be placed on the middle finger, associated with Saturn or Shani Dev, as Rahu is considered similar to Saturn in its effects. Alternatively, if worn as a talisman touching the thymus gland area, its efficacies are believed to be higher
Hessonite is often associated with Rahu's influence, symbolizing protection, focus, and spiritual progress.
Hessonite, with its warm and distinctive appearance, is valued not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for its astrological significance. Whether worn for spiritual reasons or appreciated for its unique beauty, hessonite garnet is believed to bring positive energies and protection to those who wear it
Origin Stories in Indian Sanskrit Texts
Hessonite garnet, known as "Gomed" in Sanskrit, has a fascinating history rooted in Indian astrology and mythology. In Vedic astrology, hessonite garnet is associated with the shadow planet Rahu. According to Sanskrit texts, Rahu is a powerful and influential planet, and wearing hessonite garnet is believed to appease Rahu and mitigate its malefic effects. The "Garuda Purana" mentions the significance of hessonite garnet in protecting against negative energies and promoting spiritual growth
Meaning of the Name
The term "hessonite" is derived from the Greek word "esson," meaning inferior, due to its lower hardness compared to other types of garnets. In Sanskrit, hessonite garnet is called "Gomed," a name that refers to its colour, resembling the hue of the cow's urine
Why Wear a Hessonite
Hessonite garnet is worn to harness the positive influences of Rahu. It is believed to bring success, prosperity, and spiritual growth to the wearer. Astrologers often recommend hessonite garnet for individuals facing challenges associated with Rahu, such as sudden obstacles, uncertainties, and emotional disturbances. The gem is thought to enhance focus, intuition, and clarity of thought
How to Wear a Hessonite
Hessonite garnet is typically set in silver or gold and worn as a ring or pendant. It is suggested to wear the gem on the middle or little finger of the right hand. To derive maximum benefits, the gemstone should make direct contact with the skin. Astrologers often recommend wearing hessonite garnet on a Wednesday or Saturday during the waxing moon cycle (Shukla Paksha)
How to Buy a Hessonite
When purchasing hessonite garnet, factors such as colour, clarity, cut, and carat weight should be considered. A high-quality hessonite garnet exhibits a warm, honey-like colour with good transparency. Inclusions are acceptable, as they are often considered characteristic of the stone. It is advisable to buy hessonite garnet from reputable sources and insist on certification from recognized gemmological laboratories
When to Wear a Hessonite
Hessonite garnet is often recommended for individuals undergoing the period of Rahu (Rahu Mahadasha) in their birth chart or facing challenges associated with Rahu's influence. It is also suitable for those seeking spiritual growth, protection from negative energies, and increased focus. Astrological consultation is recommended to determine the auspicious timing for wearing hessonite garnet
Different Names of Hessonite Gemstone
The Hessonite gemstone goes by various names, including Gomedak, Gomed, Gomedh, Pingasphatik, Tamomani, Rahuratna, and Tranavar. In English, it is referred to as Cinnamon-Stone due to its historical association with the spice-producing country of Sri Lanka. In Chinese, it is known as Pissi, and in Arabic, it is called Hazar Yamani
Mantra - Sacred Chants for Energizing Hessonite
There are two main mantras to energize Hessonite:
“ऊँ कयानश्चित्र आभुवदूतीसदा वृध: सखा ।
कयाशश्चिष्ठया वृता राहवे नमः।“
“Om Kayanashchitraa Aabhvduti Sadavridhah
SakhaKayashchishthayaavritaa Rahuve Namah”
“ॐ भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं सः राहवे नमः॥“
“Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah: Rahve Namah”